Effective Python

3 min readApr 14, 2021
  • Python best practices, patterns, shortcuts, and “pythonic” idioms you won’t find anywhere else
  • Covers Python algorithms, objects, concurrency, collaboration, built-in modules, and much more
  • Guides you to a far deeper understanding of the Python language, so you know why its unique idioms and rules of thumb make sense
  • Follows the enormously popular “Effective” format proven in Scott Meyers’ classic Effective C++
  • 30 new actionable guidelines for all major areas of Python
  • Detailed explanations and examples of statements, expressions, and built-in types
  • Best practices for writing functions that clarify intention, promote reuse, and avoid bugs
  • Better techniques and idioms for using comprehensions and generator functions
  • Coverage of how to accurately express behaviors with classes and interfaces
  • Guidance on how to avoid pitfalls with metaclasses and dynamic attributes
  • More efficient and clear approaches to concurrency and parallelism
  • Solutions for optimizing and hardening to maximize performance and quality
  • Techniques and built-in modules that aid in debugging and testing
  • Tools and best practices for collaborative development

Effective Python will prepare growing programmers to make a big impact using Python

It’s easy to start developing programs with Python, which is why the language is so popular. However, Python’s unique strengths, charms, and expressiveness can be hard to grasp, and there are hidden pitfalls that can easily trip you up.

This second edition of will help you master a truly “Pythonic” approach to programming, harnessing Python’s full power to write exceptionally robust and well-performing code. Using the concise, scenario-driven style pioneered in Scott Meyers’ best-selling , Brett Slatkin brings together 90 Python best practices, tips, and shortcuts, and explains them with realistic code examples so that you can embrace Python with confidence. Effective C++

Drawing on years of experience building Python infrastructure at Google, Slatkin uncovers little-known quirks and idioms that powerfully impact code behavior and performance. You’ll understand the best way to accomplish key tasks so you can write code that’s easier to understand, maintain, and improve. In addition to even more advice, this new edition substantially revises all items from the first edition to reflect how best practices have evolved.

Chapter 1Pythonic Thinking

Chapter 2Lists and Dictionaries

Chapter 3Functions

Chapter 4Comprehensions and Generators

Chapter 5Classes and Interfaces

Chapter 6Metaclasses and Attributes

Chapter 7Concurrency and Parallelism

Chapter 8Robustness and Performance

Chapter 9Testing and Debugging

Chapter 10Collaboration

“I have been recommending this book enthusiastically since the first edition appeared in 2015. This new edition, updated and expanded for Python 3, is a treasure trove of practical Python programming wisdom that can benefit programmers of all experience levels.”

- Wes McKinney, Creator of Python Pandas project, Director of Ursa Labs

“If you’re coming from another language, this is your definitive guide to taking full advantage of the unique features Python has to offer. I’ve been working with Python for nearly twenty years and I still learned a bunch of useful tricks, especially around newer features introduced by Python 3. Effective Python is crammed with actionable advice, and really helps define what our community means when they talk about Pythonic code.”

- Simon Willison, Co-creator of Django

Originally published at https://sites.google.com.




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